Friday, January 14, 2011

One of My Flaws

I am not a quick thinker. If I were asked to be on a quiz show with a time limit I would probably head in another direction and not look back. The hamster on the wheel in my head goes at his own pace and the wheel is pretty squeaky. I like to turn things over in my mind slowly and examine them, maybe more than once, before I start spouting off answers. This is also due to my nature of being spacey which makes it hard for me to stay focused, especially in a room full of people. I am always second guessing myself and I find that my answers tend to change the more I think about them, which is not always a bad thing. Sometimes the simplest question like "How was your day?" stops me in my tracks. How was my day? Was my house set on fire? Nope. It was “good.” Although being a slow thinker is definitely not something I’m proud of, I think as long as I’ve given something enough thought at the end of the day and have come to some type of understanding then it’s not something I should worry about, even though I probably don’t come off as a very intelligent person in everyday conversation because of it. I’m not sure how to go about changing it but if it’s just the way my mind works I guess I would rather it worked like this than to jump to conclusions too quickly. 

1 comment:

  1. Your visuals in this blog have me smiling. I never thought of someone dashing away from a quiz show. How funny. I try to be a quick thinker but all this depends on the subject at hand. Often times I find myself blurting out bluntful truths that are better left unsaid and then kick myself later for not having kept my mouth shut. I love that line "The hamster on the wheel in my head. . ." Excellant!!!
